Sex Doll Advice
Are you thinking about buying a sex doll?
I was for years, but the price scared me, that and people thinking I was weird for having a sex doll.
After a lot of researching and thinking I decided to buy one, it cost a pretty penny and when it arrived it was one of the hottest things ever.
The feeling, the fun and the whole new world opened up to me.
Now I own a whole room full and have a girlfriend who owns her one male sex dolls.
I decided to make this little blog to help other guys make the leap and hopefully stop them from making any mistakes.
So, enjoy the content down below and if you have any questions leave them in the comments, I love to help when I can.
I buy most of my dolls from silicone wives and LoveHoney, I’ve tried Amazon once or twice and I’m usually a little disappointed with the product, so I’ve stopped using them for sex dolls.
I’m into all the lovely stuff, like dressing them up, having threesomes with my girlfriend and a doll and even spraying some perfume (game-changing).
My girlfriend also writes on this blog, along with a few of my friends and they always read the comments too, so let them know if you have any questions or feedback.